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A taxi stand
Airport Prague ->
Prague 6
450 CZK
Airport Prague ->
everywhere else in Prague
550 CZK
Prague -> Brno
2900 CZK
Prague -> Karlovy Vary
2000 CZK
Price of the pickup
from the city (going
to the airport)
is the same as of
the transfer from
the airport.


+420 776 000 112
Snail mail address:

V. P. Druzstvo
Bellusova 1864
155 00 Praha 5
© 2005 - 2008 Ales Pekarek. All rights reserved.
Services offered by:
V.P.Druzstvo, Bellusova 1864, Praha 5, ICO: 27072878
Last updated 24.7.2015
Pageviews from 4th June 2005:  přístupů


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